4. 6. 2024 Tuesday

Fast and Furious

Ke Kopanině 421, 252 67 Tuchoměřice, Premium Outlet Prague Airport (POP), Engine Classic Cars Gallery

The event will take place in Engine Classic Cars Gallery, where you will find an exceptional car collection, including 5 generations of Proshe 911 or the one-of-a-kind Porsche Speedster.

The main point of the agenda will be a discussion with Tomáš Enge, the only Czech F1 and IndyCar racer and the winner of the 24-hour Le Mans race. You will have the opportunity to ask him about his professional life and current activities.

The whole event will have an informal atmosphere and will be accompanied by a gastro experience in form of Argentinian steaks and wine.


• 17:30-18:00 - Welcome drink

• 18:00-19:00 - Discussion with Tomáš Enge

• 19:00-20:30 – Excursion of the car gallery and a buffet


You are invited by Igor Mesenský, partner of KPMG.

Please make sure to register by May 30th. The capacity is limited.

In case of questions, please contact us at akce@kpmg.cz.

We look forward to meeting you. 


KPMG declare the right to determine the list of participants. By participating in the event, you acknowledge that photos and video may be taken for marketing purposes.

4. 6. 2024 Tuesday
Ke Kopanině 421, 252 67 Tuchoměřice, Premium Outlet Prague Airport (POP), Engine Classic Cars Gallery